
Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Power of Love

What is Love?
To love someone, is to find God-nature within them. 
(All human are children of God therefore have a divine nature within)
Though curiously, a person can look like a devil, or an angel.
Depending on your state of mind.
Your children will look like devils
If they tell you, "I hate you".
But if they say, "Thank you", they will be little angels in your eyes.
It is the same between a husband and wife.
Sometimes your spouse may look like a devil
And other times like an angel.
The reason lies in both of you.
The one who realizes this, should try to change first.
Do not hold back love.
If discovering the God-nature (within you), is Awakening.
Then to seek out God-nature (in another) is Love.

Song of prayer: The Power Of Your Love
Lord I come to you, let my heart change, renewed.
Flowing from the grace that I found in you.
And Lord, I've come to know the weakness I see in me;
Will be stripped away by the Power of Love.
Hold me close, let your Love surround me
Bring me near, draw me to your side.
And as I wait, I'll rise up like an eagle,
And I will soar with you; you're spirit lead me on,
By the Power of your Love.
Lord unveil my eyes, let me see you face to face.
The knowledge of your love as you live in me.
Lord, renew my mind, as you will unfolds in my life;
In living everyday by the Power of Love.

Hold me close, let your Love surround me
Bring me near, draw me to your side.
And as I wait, I'll rise up like an eagle,
And I will soar with you; you're spirit lead me on,
By the Power of your Love.

Dear Heavenly Father,

You are an awesome God.
Your "Love" is so powerful that it is not easily learn.
You have show us "How".
But we are weak in our soul, please guide us in finding within;
so that we may manifest it with our practice.
Psalm 147:18
In Lord Jesus I prayed, Amen


  • Love is the compassionate and sympathetic feelin u have for others. Love leads u to do things that most likely will benefit people. However, love can be taken the wrong way. If a person loves someone so much that they start to make the other person's decisions, it isn't love for the person had failed to see the other persoon's response. I would say love is the ability for one person to "see" their own and other's Holy Spirit. This is tru love becuz the person is showing compassion through the things they do. Te kno wat the other person wants and don't want.This is love where u put the other person first before urself. "JOY" we first love Jesus, Others, and then Ourselves. aquire this abilit is truly a way to sho people love.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:36 AM  

  • Excellent, I see that you had understand the balance of life.
    Love is a very powerful source. It can heal and it can destroy. Use it inappropriately and it can lead to disaster.

    Challenging your mind.
    Which equation is True.

    1)Accept & Retain the infliction of other person pain + Tolerance = Love.

    2)Reject wrongness and differences + correcting them = Love.

    3)Accept wrongfulness from other and focus on learning how to help = Love

    By Blogger honeybee00911, at 12:43 PM  

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