
Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Theology of Holy Spirit

Galatians 3:2
"Let me ask you this one question: Did you receive the Holy Spirit by keeping the law? Of course not, for the Holy Spirit came upon you only after you believed the message you heard about Christ."

Four Truth About Who The Holy Spirit is:
1) The Holy Spirit is Omnipresent - All present; all time; all places
2) The Holy Spirit is Omniscience - All knowing
3) The Holy Spirit is Omnipotent - All powerful
4) The Holy Spirit is God - Trinity as One

Twelve Works of the Holy Spirit:
1) The Holy Spirit draws people to God.
2) The Holy Spirit give us new lives.
3) The Holy Spirit seals believer to God forever.
4) The Holy Spirit provide assurance of Salvation.
5) The Holy Spirit lives within all believers.
6) The Holy Spirit produces Godly fruit in believers.
7) The Holy Spirit convicts believer of sins.
8) The Holy Spirit reveals truth.
9) The Holy Spirit interpret our prayer.
10) The Holy Spirit provide direction for our lives.
11) The Holy Spirit equip us with Spiritual Gift.
12) The Holy Spirit empower us for ministry.

Listing of the Spiritual Gifts:
Roman 12:6; 1 Corinthians 12:10, 28, 29, 14:1-40; Ephesians 4:11)
1) Prophecy - The ability to receive and proclaim a message from God.

Roman 12:7
2) Service - the ability to identify and care for the physical needs of people through a variety of means. The Greek word for "ministry" or "deacon", but the gift should not be confused with the office.

Roman 12:7; 1 Corinthians 12:28-29; Ephesians 4:11
3) Teaching - the ability to explain clearly and to apply the truths of God's Word so that others will learn. This requires the capacity to interpret Scripture accurately, engage in necessary research, and organize the results in ways that effectively communicate to others.

Roman 12:8
4) Exhortation - the ability to motivate people to respond to the truth by providing timely words of counsel, encouragement, and consolation. When this gift is exercised, others are challenged to stimulate their faith by putting God's truth to the test in their lives.

Roman 12:8
5) Giving - the ability to contribute material resources with generosity and cheerfulness for the benefit of others and the glory of God. Christians with this spiritual gift need not be wealthy.

Roman 12:8
6) Leadership - the ability to discern God's purpose for a group, to set and communicate appropriate goals, and to motivate others to work together to fulfill them in the service of God. A person with this gift is effective at delegating tasks to followers without manipulation or coercion.

Roman 12:8
7) Mercy -the ability to deeply empathize and engage in compassionate acts on behalf of people who are suffering physical, mental or emotional distress. Those with this gift manifest concern and kindness to people who are often overlooked.

1 Corinthians 12:8
8) Wisdom - the ability to apply the principles of the Word of God in a practical way to specific situations and to recommend the best course of action at the best time. The exercise of this gift skillfully distills insights and discernment into excellent advice.

1 Corinthians 12:8
9) Knowledge - the ability to discover, analyze, and systematize truth for the benefit of others. With this gift, one speaks with understanding and penetration. But "the word of knowledge" can also involve supernatural perception and discernment for the purpose of ministering to others.

1 Corinthians 12:9
10) Faith - the ability to have a vision for what God wants to be done and to believe confidently that it will be accomplished in spite of circumstances and appearances to the contrary. The gift of faith transform vision into reality.

1 Corinthians 12:8, 28,29
11) Healing - the ability to serve as a human instrument through whom God cures illnesses and restores health. The possessor of this gift is not the source of power but a vessel who can heal only those diseases the Lord chooses to heal. Healing prayer is not limited to physical disease but can also extend to emotional, relational, and spiritual concerns. Thus inner healing, or healing of memories, concerns emotional wounds such as repressed fears, anger, humiliation, and rejection.

1 Corinthians 12:10, 28, 29
12) Miracles - the ability to serve as an instrument through whom God accomplishes acts that manifest supernatural power. Miracles bear witness to the presence of God and the truth of his proclaimed Word and appear to occur most frequently in association with missionary activity. The gospel message carries its own authority, but God sometimes graciously uses miracles to authenticate and open doors for the proclamation of forgiveness and life in Christ.

1 Corinthians 12:10
13) Distinguishing of spirits - the ability to discern the spirit of truth and the spirit of error (cf. 1 John 4:6). With this gift, one may distinguish reality versus counterfeits, the divine versus the demonic, true versus false teaching, and in some cases, spiritual versus carnal motives.

1 Corinthians 12:10, 28, 30; 14: 1-40
14) Tongues - the ability to receive and impart a spiritual message in a language the recipient never learned. For other members of the body to be edified, this message must be interpreted either by the recipient (1 Corinthians 14:13) or by another person with the gift of interpretation (1 Corinthians 14:26-28).

WARNING- THIS IS DANGEROUS - More information about God does not necessarily lead to a closer relationship with God. Knowledge alone can lead to arrogance and immaturity.

"Knowledge makes arrogant, but loves edifies." - 1 Corinthians 8:1

More information + No application = more immaturity
More information + More application = more maturity


Your existing is so alive and so spontaneous.
For those who can truly feel your Holy Spirit;
will find the power within.
For those who learned the power within;
will deliver the power through-out.

In the name of Jesus Christ I prayed, Amen


  • The Holy Spirit is God's soul withing all of us. The ones that gives us "vibes" and the ones that gives us "atmosphere". The Holy Spirit is also a gift from God that allows us to believe in Him, to trust wat He does.
    The Holy Spirit is in everyone, yet some people does not tdo the things God wants them to do. Y is that? Itz becuz people choose to ignore the fact that there is a God. Everyone knows that God is there and is always watching. They might have their reasons in turning away from God. watever the reasson is, they turn down the Holy Spirit in them and it becomes forgotton.Notice how i said "forgotten", this means that the Holy Spirit can always be found. God's power is so grreat that His soul will live forever in us. This means that rememberin the Holy Spirit could be much easier accomplished if one repents.
    How do u receive the Holy Spirit? Well the answer is pretty simple. First the person must repent and admit that what they did was wrong. This is just the easy part. The hard part is to train back the love that was lost in that person. As the love comes back, the person's motives begin to change. The person might not kno it but the Hpoly Spirit was already at work when that person repented.
    The Holy Spirit gives us anticipation,hope, and a clarity of mind. This is something a person can train to aquire, but withut the Holy Spirit, none of this could be acquired.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:17 AM  

  • Not bad, you are pretty good. Want to go deeper?

    Holy Spirit comes in the following forms either simultaneously or separately:

    Can you define and explain in relation of the 3 parts that show the revelation of the Holy Spirit in the occurrence?

    By Blogger honeybee00911, at 10:51 AM  

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