
Thursday, January 28, 2010

In-depth of Tithing

Luke 21: 1-4
As he looked up, Jesus saw the rich putting their gifts into the temple treasury. He also saw a poor widow put in two very small copper coins. " I tell you the truth," he said, "this poor widow has put in more than all the others. All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on."

One of the true power of sacrifice to God is really giving up our FEAR. Example: fear of lost, fear of unknown, fear of insufficient, fear of love, fear of pain, fear of un-acceptance, etc. In this case, it is the fear of poverty.

Overall, God is trying to train us to use the power of  "soul over matter". Naturally, our habitat behavior is the other way around. We all have strong-set personality (either positively or negatively).

It is easier to give out some, out of abundance compare to giving a chunk out out of insufficient. How much is the trust in God? How much is the faith in God? How much is the understanding in God? How much is the obedience in God?

Jesus want us to understand and let go of our own thinking (do not mistaken this as being a robot or a zombie; that is not what it meant). He want us to start seeing and understanding the truth without the fear (the blockage).

Faith and trust is a very hard lesson, because you need to struggle with your dominate self before you can see. The hardest part is, your mind will creep in with thought of skeptic, unassurance, insecurity and the blah blah blah before you can see anything. You will begin questioning your own thought, questioning your own action, questioning; questioning; questioning........that can leave you unstable, astray and loose your path.

Replace "God" with "yourself" in the previous question and you will be left with; How much you trust yourself? How much faith you have in yourself? How much understanding you have in you? How much obedience will you be able to commit?

Some may say, I have no problem following every word spoken in the Bible. Yeah, at first until they found out that their practice is contradicting with their daily living. Of course, they will continue to hold on to their, "I believe what I interpret and been taught about God is to be cautious and make sure I am doing the right thing; therefore-it is safe to just listen and just do what comprehend", even if logically, thing are not working out. Do you see the struggle of dominate self here? Principle is struggling with reality.

This is the perfect example of a "Zombie" or blind faith. Practice and belief was not understood so we all tend to use it blindly - doing without truly comprehending what God is talking about. Most of us just read and look at words as it is. If you look objectively the Bible have talk about human behavior and taught us how to handle them. God don't just want us to just follow his teaching, he want us to understand his teaching so we can use it to the boundary of no limit.

Please pray for all to fully recognize and understand your teaching so each and one of us see your light and manifest it.

Praise the lord, Amen.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Who is Jesus?

John 1: 1-5
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.

Wow, I have a lot to say about this. Who is God? The creator. Who is Jesus? Life itself. Huh?????? You may ask. What are you talking about. I have to be very careful with this because I don't want to lead you jumping into the wrong conclusion.

Jesus is our alpha and omega - I see it as the science of everything.
Jesus is everything that is alive - which is found in our word, action, thinking, reaction etc., etc.
Jesus is the way - which means how things comes about; cause and effect; pro and con.
Jesus is the history - The understanding of past, present and future; the consequences.
Jesus is the Words - notice the capital "W" in the Words - means word of wisdom, word of awareness, words of spirit.
Jesus is our life - which mean everything that changes it state. State of mind, state of feeling, state of form.
Jesus is our spirit - the emotional spirit that promote growth.

Let get into the topic of darkness.
"If there is no light - there is no darkness; and if there is no darkness-there is no light."

Have you ever notice that the light shine brighter when it's enclosed with darkness; but the darkness does not get darker when enclosed with light?

Do you know what it is telling us? It means, people can overcome life bitterness and suffering with just a speck of positive light. This will extremely brighten their spiritual soul. On the other hand, people who chose to remain in darkness will become only a shadow even surrounded by tons of light.

Let me define this a little more clearer. Darkness may be referring to a confined, enclosed, principled person that does not believe in changes. They may not be able to accept anew, transform or create. This may be because they preferred to be in a comfort zone, where it is safe from unknown, safe from being scare, safe from hard work, safe from being lost, safe from a lot of things.

Paster Adam Bishop sent me an e-mail the other day and said that 97% can not put what was heard or read into practice. Which means only 3% are not in the darkness and may understood what God is trying to teach us on how to be alive (spiritually, mentally and physically).

Believe it or not, habits are actually a repetition of action without using your brain. This could be defined as lazy brain. The differences between human and animal is that we are gifted with a mind. God want us to exercise our gift and learn to use it correctly.

I thanks Heavenly Father for your wonderful gift.
I thanks Jesus for giving us such wonderful things to learn from.
I thanks Holy Spirit for your inspiration, ambition and insight.

Thank you all, Amen


Monday, January 25, 2010

What do you think righteousness means in the Bible?

Roman 3:10-12
" There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who understands, no one who seeks God.
All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one."

We are all sinner because we are all selfish one way or the other. Me, stating "MY" point of view through my arrival of conclusion is evil, because I can twist your mind into my complex world and drive you crazy. On the other hand, someone may thanks me for solving their mind boggling life problem. So, depending on the recipient, am I doing righteousness or disturbance?

The answer is simple, neither.  (Hebrew 12:14 Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord). This means: The action may be judge by God's approval of moral behavior AND with the approval of man's acceptance". This is hard because we may be tainted with rebellious attitude when confronted a differences. Then how can we get approval from men? Jesus had shown us the great evil in men every time he goes into town and introduce and teaches the true meaning of God. Each time he tried, the town's people took it as differences and rebel anything new and un-sure.

"We are good stuff gone bad, a defaced masterpiece, a rebellious child. We're not just imperfect people who need growth, but we're rebels who need to lay down our arms. Pain and suffering are frequently the means by which we become motivated to  finally surrender to God and seek the cure of Christ."
- By Peter John Dreeft, PH.D.

People will take advantage of you (accidentally or intentionally) and drench you up worst than a dried up raisin. It sneak up on you either at work, at home, in your relationship or at church, anywhere........the worst one is in your head. No matter what, it will put you into the arena.

If you are wise and see how the world run,  thanks God's for giving us the Bible to teach us how to cope with the chaos in life.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Please help us to open our eyes, open our heart and in faith.
To understand your lesson of "Drawing Good from Evil"

Saith the Lord, Amen
